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Friday, June 18, 2010

Now where did Red get this information?????

RedForeman wrote on 06/18/2010 06:41:41 PM:
People on the left have been whining to the Olympian staff and even contacting corporate headquarters. Boo-Hoo. I like the off-topic rule, too bad if you and others don't. Maybe this post will get removed, if so Oh well. Like I said, maybe you should find a different site.Read more:

First of all, the complaints lodged had to do with lack of enforcement, not enforcement. Secondly, if you like the "off-topic rule" your tattletale about dope smoking at your fraternal club should have been pulled - for legal reasons if nothing else.

Red, buddy, here's one for you. If you don't like what's being posted on ThurstonBlog, stay the hell out of here.

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