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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No they weren't

xyzxy wrote on 06/16/2010 09:55:52 AM:
xyzxy's comment is abusive and has been removed.Read more:

rrrr wrote on 06/16/2010 11:37:01 AM:
rrrr's comment is abusive and has been removed.Read more:

I've been monitoring this forum and several poinent statements and truths have been deleted in this fashion.

The Olympian is now calling the truth "abusive" which is a real shame because it deludes the truth that many go through with real abuse.


xyzzy said...

Well Larry, as I'm sure you know from personal experience, any questioning of religious beliefs is "abusive" while any amount of vitriol can be safely poured on non-believers. As was also pointed out in that comment thread (and later deleted as abusive) many religious are among the most intolerant, hateful folks there are. Not only are they intolerant of unbelievers, but also intolerant of believers with slightly different viewpoints. Yet they rail on and on against atheist/agnostics.

I don't really expect better from the Olympian, which is why I rarely read it or comment there any longer. I certainly will never purchase another copy.

Kardnos said...


It's a sham to call it Journalism.

I'll only use their online edition as fodder for this blog.

Of course, I'm a bit embarrassed as it makes me look lazy because they are such easy pickin's.

When we have readers that willingly copy and paste ThurstonBlog on The Olympian for us, I'm becoming tempted to start accepting advertising.

It may be the easiest money I've ever made.

Anon_the_Great said...

Perhaps Larry should negotiate some kind of revenue sharing from the Zip