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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Kravis" supports "Kover"

Is this just a coincidence?

LTE, June 16, 2010:
Kover is right for the Legislature
I went out recently and heard a guy running for Legislature speak. His name was Justin Kover, and I liked what he had to say.

I’m voting for Justin Kover, and you should too.

Justin Kravis, Olympia

1 comment:

Kardnos said...

Kover is a community writer for the Olympian. I don't think he's stupid enough to stoop that low.

Here is the real question - from a commenter on the LTES -

How does Kover run for Mayor of Tumwater then Hunt's district which is located in Lacey?

One could say "carpetbagger" but the truth is more like "sofa surfer".