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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just doesn't get it....

glenn wrote on 06/16/2010 12:57:32 PM:
glenn's comment is abusive and has been removed.
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glenn wrote on 06/16/2010 01:24:23 PM:
"The chosen ones" is grounds for abusive comment status? I guess my description of them hit a little too close to home. It brought out the little censor rats.
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How about "libidiots", glenn? Maybe too close to the forest to see the trees?

Your problem, glenn, among others is that you think your insults are acceptable. Of course, that is because The Olympian let you get away with them for too long.

and then there's - "When pointing out their relative lack of success to some people in these comments, that nasty thing called jealousy pops up and the words "tax the rich" comes spilling out of their mouths involuntarily."

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When did glenn become the adjudicator as to what is "success"? I think of myself as successful. My bills are paid and I'm paying them.

Maybe that's just as abusive, glenn......


Anon_the_Great said...

Oh boo fuckin hoo glenn, you moran convervaturd.

LostOnAnIsland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LostOnAnIsland said...

Although I often disagree with Glen I have to admit when he is in the zone he can be pretty damn funny. It's been a while but he has got me to laugh out loud on several occasions. I have a feeling he is actually a great person to know in the real world if you have a thick skin. He is from New Jersey so his idea of being a totally aggressive dick is probably different from a native of the Pacific North West. I think I have just listened to enough East coast talk radio to get it. Of course, I'm open to the concept that he just might be a complete drunken' curmudgeon asshole with a keyboard that sometimes cracks a good joke or two.

Kardnos said...

Over the years I've know Jersey's and NYawkers and glenn is an asshole.

Does that help, Lost?

LostOnAnIsland said...

Yeah, but he does have a sense of humor and that goes a long way with me. I have only been paying any kind of attention since the snow really hit hard around here so I don't really know.He does come across as a bit of a prick lately. It seems like he rode the fence a bit more when I started.

sparkle said...

Agreed lost, I read some of my posts from Oct. 09 and Glenn and myself were having good fun, something has changed.