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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Learn as you go

IndependentVoter wrote on 06/26/2010 09:56:57 AM:
Mike and Julie both offer very good letters today.The typical haters will harass them and their supporters all day long. We can always depend on it.

This is an acceptable comment on The Olympian according to their policy - To our readers: We welcome comments. Please keep them civil, short and to the point. ALL CAPS, spam, obscene, profane, abusive and off topic comments will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be blocked. Thanks for taking part - and abiding by these simple rules. Please keep all comments in context with the articles presented.
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HarryC wrote on 06/26/2010 09:37:58 AM:
Suze, you have the right to agree with dalecon and the right to be historically inaccurate like dalecon

This is a policy violation.

What did we learn? Don't point out facts and falicy, but do attempt to agitate the forum.

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