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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Here's a real brain surgeon..

I found this post on You Tube..

..If you can decipher it..

..Well then you just might be IV...

you no y i believe in the bible its because i no the bible isnt a lie and the big bang is is a scientific opinion how many times have scientistic been wrong what i guess u believe to when we die we come back as another thing dont you WELL YOUR WRONG I HOPE I CAN GET YOU TO BELIEVE IN GOD AGAIN HE SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTON SON TO THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS SO WE CAN SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM IF WE CHOOSE HIM THEN AGAIN IF YOU DONT WANT TO LISTEN TO ME YOUR GONA WISH U DID WHEN YOU DIE CAUSE UR GNA N HELL


sidrat38 said...


I hope if I have to spend eternity with you, I get a translator....

sidrat38 said...

how many times have scientistic been wrong ?????

How many times have "scientistics" been wrong, anyway????