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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is IV falling off the wagon?


IndependentVoter wrote on 06/17/2010 05:40:37 AM:

I refuse to sign the Mary Jane initiative, and will vote no if it reaches the ballot. If I were in the district, I would not vote for Kover. I would, however, possibly vote for Tim Sheldon, even if he is a Democrat.
Also, I thought Reni wrote a very good letter.
And I stand with "LongIslandIcedTea"
Enjoy the day

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xyzxy wrote on 06/17/2010 06:25:47 AM:

IV, what ever happened to:
I will never, no, not EVER, vote for another Democrat. (June 3 at 6/3/2010 7:58 PM PDT)

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xyzzy said...

Fits well with his comment from earlier in the week that he never spends any money in Olympia, except when he does (at the Farmer's market).

Now there's a man of flexible convictions.

Kardnos said...

Dad lets him drive slowly on the driveway, but only on Mondays

sidrat38 said...

LMAO, Larry