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Sunday, June 27, 2010

She-Who's "word salad"

AynRand wrote on 06/27/2010 01:20:09 PM:

BC wrote on 06/27/2010 11:05:40 AM:
My God! You are unbelievably heartless and cold.
I hope that YOU lose your job...

You wish for someone to become unemployed because they insist upon people taking care of themselves like the rest of us????????

How warm and heartfelt.

You realize "why" is why these people have anything at all, no? Perhaps "why" would like to put some extra money away to take care of his/her family but instead is supporting people like this.

You should be thankful for people like us. You're why we're fed up.
The shrug can't happen fast enough..

Read more:

buford_t wrote on 06/27/2010 06:56:12 PM:

"You should be thankful for people like us. You're why we're fed up. The shrug can't happen fast enough........." -AynRand

Can anyone translate this word salad for me?

Finoa wrote on 06/27/2010 08:17:04 PM:

"Thankful for people like us"?? why? that you have found a way to NOT work and keep your hand out??? Not follow any rules and take care of your self?


LostOnAnIsland said...

There's a lot of nuts in that salad.

sparkle said...

I was thinking anchovies, a stinky, salty fish. (It's the fish-wife in her....)

After calling her that at one point she used it as one of her many,many, many usernames, it couldn't have been funnier:

fish·wife (fshwf)
n. pl. fish·wives (-wvz)
1. A woman who sells fish.
2. A woman regarded as coarse and shrewishly abusive.

xyzzy said...

LOL. I'd forgotten about that particular sock.

sparkle said... many socks, so little in them!

a real winer said...

Oh, sparkle, you know what they're all full of.

Kardnos said...

I've been lurking more lately and I've come to realize that Sondra really works hard to get attention. I'm betting that she takes both sides of an argument with two socks, just to get something going on the forum.

a real winer said...

Bingo, Larry. As a semi- pro lurker, I've noticed it, too. Good ol' Ivy is similar in his approach. Certain people draw them out, like the way Nurse Ratchet likes to pounce on sparkle. Like she's that one special cat toy that can't be resisted.

sparkle said...

"that one special cat toy that can't be resisted."
I LOVE it, to funny. You wouldn't be referring to my little cyber stalker bitch, that just can not stand not commenting on anything I post.

sparkle said...

Larry, who do you think that "other" sock might be? I haven't heard a progressive use yannow yet.

Anon_the_Great said...

Sondrak is an idiot.

Nuff said.

Anonymous98507 said...

That's defaming an idiot!

Anon_the_Great said...

No, Sondrak is unto a parrot in that she echos language without comprehension and is easily distracted by her own image.

a real winer said...

Exactly, sparkle. Don't you just feel special?

a real winer said...

Anon the Great, just one problem w/ your theory: She has no reflection, so how does she know what her image looks like? Maybe her adoring gentleman callers like to sit and tell her all about it.

sparkle said...

So special!