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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All talk and no action......

tmcgee wrote on 06/15/2010 06:28:24 PM:
In accordance with, and in addition to The Olympian’s published guidelines for use of the comment threads, the following will be strictly enforced on all comment threads on All off-topic comments will be deleted; when abuse reporting becomes a nuisance to our staff, comment capability will be closed down for the remainder of the day; users should understand that the comment threads are neither a personal blog, or a chat room, and should limit comments and discussions accordingly.
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IndependentVoter wrote on 06/15/2010 06:24:40 PM:
Nip draconian gun control in the bud. Vote conservative, and get involved.
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IndependentVoter wrote on 06/15/2010 06:23:13 PM:
Nip socialism in the bud. Vote conservative.

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1 comment:

Anonymous98507 said...

Nice series of messages!

IndependentVoter wrote on 06/15/2010 06:38:44 PM:
Won't bother me a bit.

I don't spend any money I work for anywhere in the Oly city limits.


IndependentVoter wrote on 06/15/2010 06:42:15 PM:
With the one exception of the farmers market, where I always meet good conservative friends.


xyzxy wrote on 06/15/2010 09:18:21 PM:
So let's see, you don't spend any money in Olympia, except when you do....

Kind of like you're an "Independent" voter who will never vote for a Democrat again as long as you live. Real independent - not. Total conservative stooge - yes.


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