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Saturday, June 26, 2010

BTW, IV..I SOOOOO hope you signed this

Now that John ("I was appointed by a republican") Roberts ("how do you like him now??") agreed to the release of the names of the R-71 signatours..

It's public record!!!

I can find out where you live!!!

Since you seem to find it fair game to post info about me.....

I'm going to find out where you live....

..and tastefully re-decorate your home.....



sidrat38 said...

(I'm thinking chintz curtains...some frilly throw pillows....)

(..Of course, he's probably thinking "Drag behind truck...)

Kardnos said...

Sidrat - I'll bet that he signed the petition "Independent Voter"

LostOnAnIsland said...

Can I come along?