McClatchy should choose commenting software that allows readers to say "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" on individual comments. They can report a comment for abuse, but only moderators can cause a comment to be hidden or removed-- no hiding or automatic removal because multiple different readers have reported a comment. And moderators would have strict guidelines under which they have the right to remove comments.
It would take all the fun out of the righties' sport!
I pretty much got the idea that McClatchy cares about one thing and one thing only.
I know my money isn't spent with any of their advertisers, except one and that is because of a long term relationship with the retailer.
One of these days the "Impeach Obama" and other right wing national ads will dry up also.
The Valley Daily News in Kent rolled as much, if not more, cash than The Olympian. It's only a matter of time when you officially have:
The News Tribune
Pierce and Thurston County zones.
What's holding them up is the same anti-trust laws that kept the PI alive for several years.
Currently they pretend to be separate newspapers even though they both publish many of the exact same stories. There's absolutely no reason to subscribe to the Olympian since they publish such a small amount of "local" content-- that "local" content could be added to the Trib, enhancing it and making the whole issue worth the subscription.
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