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Thursday, June 24, 2010

COUGHbullshitCOUGH of the day

IndependentVoter wrote on 06/24/2010 05:41:07 AM:
John,What is a myth to one person is a way of life to another. You and others will never convince me that my Christian faith is a myth. I have seen way too much to convince me that it is real.What happened to tolerance and diversity? I can't seem to find much of it in this area, except among the Christian community.

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Anon_the_Great said...

Hey Wally, on one has tried to convert you to atheism. Are you so insecure about your theology you have to crow like a cock?

sidrat38 said...'s supposed to be LOVE thy neighbor???

IV must've misread that one in sunday school....

..he thought it said "loathe".....