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Saturday, June 5, 2010

dENGELberries hoist on own petard

Anonymous98501 wrote on 06/05/2010 03:51:42 PM:

ENGEL wrote on 06/05/2010 02:02:37 PM:
ALocalGuy wrote on 06/05/2010 11:14:33 AM:

1. Please parse your most recent Helen Thomas message, and tell us what it means.

Eichmann 1937: You people should go back where you came from – Palestine.
Thomas 2010: You people should go back where you came from – Germany.

engel, ALocalGuy asked IV that question, not you. You complain frequently that people respond to your posts when you supposedly direct those posts to somebody else, yet here you are doing that very same thing.


The original post: [ALocalGuy wrote on 06/05/2010 11:14:33 AM:

IV, two quick requests: 1. Please parse your most recent Helen Thomas message, and tell us what it means. ...]

ALocalGuy followed up his original post with:

ALocalGuy wrote on 06/05/2010 03:23:43 PM:

Kroger, thanks for your response. I hoped to hear from IndependentVoter, ...

(means he definitely was directing his question to IV! LOLOL)




Anonymous98507 said...

As A98501 expected, this comment was deleted by 4:45 pm.

a real winer said...

So, maybe she and IV are one and the same. Which explains the Mutual Admiration Society thing they had going recently, when engel said she'd be proud to stand by Ivy any day... they occupy the same body. Eee-yikes!

Anonymous98507 said...

IV sprained his arm:
IndependentVoter wrote on 06/05/2010 05:00:44 PM:
Unlike some, I don't sit at the computer for hours waiting to pounce on someone who disagrees. But, as usual I received more trophies and awards while I was away.


And the lefties should continue to call names and issue insults if that's what makes them feel better.

Of course IV NEVER calls names or issues insults!