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Monday, June 14, 2010


LOUISVILLE - Rand Paul, who touts his career as a Kentucky eye doctor as part of his outsider credentials in his campaign for U.S. Senate, isn't certified by his profession's leading group.
He tried Monday to bat away questions about it by calling it an attack on his livelihood, saying the scrutiny stems from his challenge of a powerful medical group over a certification policy he thought was unfair.
The libertarian-leaning Republican helped create a rival certification group more than a decade ago. He said the group has since recertified several hundred ophthalmologists, despite not being recognized the American Board of Medical Specialties — the governing group for two dozen medical specialty boards.
Questions about Paul's certification as an eye surgeon first arose in a story published Sunday in The Courier-Journal of Louisville.


sparkle said...

Heck, why should a libertarian-leaning Republican "eye surgeon" have to have any kind of certification, isn't that big govt. intrusion.

Goody now I can finally put to good use that xacto knife that's rolling around my deck!

>>> *huddled in corner cringing right now* <<<<

Kardnos said...

I think I'm re-thinking that "God" thing....

Just think I could have had Rand Paul doing my surgery instead of the Board Certified Eye Surgeon I had.

Naw...just plain luck.