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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Perhaps the O should try this...

The new posting policy on AOL..

Our New Approach to Comments
In an effort to encourage the same level of civil dialogue among Politics Daily’s readers that we expect of our writers – a “civilogue,” to use the term coined by PD’s Jeffrey Weiss – we are requiring commenters to use their AOL or AIM screen names to submit a comment, and we are reading all comments before publishing them. Personal attacks (on writers, other readers, Nancy Pelosi, George W. Bush, or anyone at all) and comments that are not productive additions to the conversation will not be published, period, to make room for a discussion among those with ideas to kick around. Please read our Help and Feedback section for more info.



Kardnos said...

Sidrat - one has to care enough to want the change.

Anonymous98507 said...

It would also help if the Olympian posted a daily update on what constitutes "abusive" on that day!

LostOnAnIsland said...

The Olympian needs an enema.

xyzzy said...

Or if they'd tell the poster of a deleted comment what was considered abusive about it. A statement telling someone to prove "non-existence" of a God was not abusive. My statement asking someone to prove existence of a God was considered abusive.

Kardnos said...

Trust me when I tell you that "abusive" was nearly nothing.

"Abusive" was making reference to the hundreds of abusive comments made by Independent Voter.

Abusive was glenn being what they've allowed him to be for as long as I can remember.

Possibly some chains got yanked yesterday, after my conversations and email with Sacramento. Who knows, but for that matter, who cares?

Anonymous98507 said...

Actually, Larry, *I* care! I want a level playing field or at least a playing field where all players know where all the holes in the turf are and have to negotiate them equally the same as the players on the other side!