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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Will this be the next article to have its comments shut down?

Leonard Pitts' column: Helen Thomas could learn from her own Spirit of Diversity award

We know the bigots here simply cannot abide Pitts, they hate Helen Thomas, too, and the word "diversity" causes them to foam at the mouth-- surely this is a hat trick and trifecta for the day!


Kardnos said...

Slam dunk!

Anonymous98507 said...

Hey, Larry-- so far they've managed to more or less restrain themselves. At least until Glenn showed up:
glenn wrote on 06/15/2010 02:48:38 PM:
Bandleader - You are right. I'm insensitive and I throw insults back at people. So what's your point?

Read more:

Glenn, we have news for you-- that's nothing to be proud of.

Kardnos said...


The strange part is that no one had insulted glenn.

Again, he blames others for his behavior.

Of course, The Olympian does nothing about it....

sparkle said...

I posted Glenn's post that I was responding to yesterday, (which, BTW, was never removed) in A Sick Obsession, along with my other post, that "took down the thread" yesterday.