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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Same shit, different year....

Do any of these comments sound slightly familiar?

SondraK said,
June 9, 2005 at
Words in my mouth again. They all add up, silly. I’ve had spikes, too. Your pendragon freak show will level off.Gah, you will not win….
let’s see if I can take things out of context, too….hmmm, no, I prefer the honest approach and don’t like to mislead. That’s like lying.
It’s the credibility, stupid.

SondraK said,
June 9, 2005 at
Hey, Scooter…why you keep bringing other people into this what don’t apply? We’re talking SondraK and Brad here, (OMG…I said that…ewwwww)
Sorry Brad….your wooing isn’t working, I’m just here for today’s *come look at Brad picking his nose and eating it everyone*…
I’m not impressed, Sweetie. But you keep trying, I’d hate to break your heart….but I DO have many gentleman callers and they have it heads over you by a milestone.REAL men, mmmmmm.
And stalkers REALLY creep me out, K? You’re beginning to creep me out. Really.

SondraK said,
June 9, 2005 at
Stop stalking my blog

SondraK said,
June 9, 2005 at
Goodnight kidz………..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

and one for Boston TEA Party...

SondraK said,
June 9, 2005 at
No Kristin, you’re just a psycho ASSHOLE.

Go to the website archives for more fun. It seems Sondra started shit with the Sadly, No folks about 5 years ago and just changed over to The Olympian. I wonder how many other forums she stalks.

"but I DO have many gentleman callers and they have it heads over you by a milestone.REAL men, mmmmmm."

Fascinating. She has posted in The Olympian that she was married double digits (I want to say 20 years, but I can't be sure) and of late, her profile in The O speaks of "adopting with her partner"


Anonymous98507 said...

dENGELberries must have some serious hold on somebody at the O.... a bunch of her comments on today's LTEs had been reported, and I just noticed that some of them have been restored.

Anon_the_Great said...

As irritating and irrelevant as the She Beast's posts may be, they rarely violate the publishing guidelines. The folks of the Olympian need to enforce their guidelines rather than allow one faction or another to game the comments section.

Anonymous98507 said...

AtG, she violates the guidelines often enough..... she likes her vulgarities, "yannow"! This morning it was shtf at 07:43:32 AM on the LTEs, and she popped up with WTH at 11:24:39 AM.